Homo Translucero symbol

Homo Translucero symbol

Monday, September 16, 2013


The year is 3000A.D. on planet Earth and homo sapiens have undergone successful evolution and survival into what is now known as homo translucero. The word translucero is adopted from the word translucent, primarily for the translucent thin skin appearance of the people. One can actually see bones structures, blood vessel coloring, and organ outlines through the thin, though tough, epidermis layer. Though some skins may have natural pigment to them, they are still very translucent which lends to the evolved understanding that ‘all are the same color underneath.’ Another notable characteristic and the most important is that you are also able to see their auric energy fields, as traditioned from yoga philosophy and hinduism. The different colors from the base of the spine to the top of the center of the head emanate at different intensities and rotations. Each color is visibly seen at varying degrees in each person and can signify health, illness, and development level in what they consider to be seven different aspects of life which correspond to the body. This can also be a form of visible communication amongst each other. The main form of communication is mental telepathy. The children are born with it and the adults have excelled at it. As children grow up they continue to practice and learn various telepathic techniques from family and school. However, this type of communication is only effective if the translucero is in a healthy state because disease and low energy can block telepathic abilities from being received and sent. In this case, the person refers back to vocal language and usually each person has studied and is fluent in an average of 10 global languages, therefore communication is never an issue. The diet of the homo transluceros is mostly vegetarian and fish. No land animals are ever eaten, though eggs and milk are still occasionally consumed. Diseases once rampant during the 21st century have become extinct or easily managed. Advanced study and research has eliminated dangerous food contaminants, caustic electro-magnetic fields, and unhealthy microwaves from man’s environment leading to better and healthier bodies in the transluceros. Longevity has increased to an average age of 120 years, with the physical appearance of no more than 60 to 70 years of age. Gestation of the fetus is no longer 40 weeks but has decreased to 35-37 weeks due to the increase of growth hormones secondary to better health. Religion: Although the transluceros are aware of earth’s history of world religions, they are now seen as archaic, primitive, and yet interesting. Each person recognizes themselves has an immaterial substance that occupies matter (the body) in order to experience a material world. They believe that being an evolved human is part of an intimate requirement to know the immaterial eternal self on a deeper level. Philosophy, enlightenment, and spirituality are at the core of how they understand themselves and every day is seen as a new lesson. Previous religions, as those practiced during the 21st century, are displayed in museums and in fact are often seen as deterrents to peace, progress, love, and longevity. Especially since it is now recognized that the emotion of fear is a major mental limitation that once prevented human evolution. There are no churches since spirituality is a personal journey one is always on. The transluceros, being telepathic, can communicate with beings from other dimensions, planes or universes. They may refer to these beings as alien or even angelic. Marriage: For the transluceros, there is no marriage as the 21st century earth knows it. They believe that love transcends paperwork. Love is a sacred bond between 2 or more people in which no one can possess another. They also understand that all relationships are temporary and that the only way to live is in the present moment. It’s difficult for a translucero to tell another that they are going to be with them forever, especially when they are continuously evolving in a personal way. For these reasons there is no marriage and no divorce. This does not mean that people do not maintain relationships for years because they often do. They just believe that intimate relationships, monogamous or polygamous, are for inner growth. If they no longer feel this growth, the relationship naturally separates and is often continued into a friendship. The extinction of marriage has helped these evolved humans have better friendships and decrease incidents of hate and even murder. Family and Kinship: Since there is no marriage, people often choose a person to procreate with. This person may or may not be the parent of one or more of their children. As was in the early 21st century, this is not frowned upon, but has the ability to promote larger familial alliances. Instead of a sibling having one brother or sister, they often have several, and are as close with their half siblings as they are with the others. Even more interestingly, parents do not view themselves as dominant over children, but as equals. Parents recognize that they learn much about themselves through their children as children do from their parents. Children’s rights are equal to adults, and if uncomfortable with their parents, may petition to be moved to another more compatible family of their choosing. For these reasons, there is much better respect and love amongst families. Government Land masses have shifted slightly since the 21st century. Most countries have deconstructed and have come together as a single land mass nation. For example, there’s no longer a Canada, Mexico, and USA, it is now known as North America. Each land mass leaders are hired under democratic fashion and all are part of the Global United Foundation which promotes unity, sustainability, and international support for all beings. While there are disputes with resolutions, there have not been any wars since the late 21st century. SYMBOLISM: Homo Translucero Unity symbol The symbol recognizes and promotes human evolution on earth. The transluceros are highly evolved in mathematics and geometry which are central to their learning and high intellectual abilities. The wings represent compassion, freedom, and open heart which is a characteristic that brings them evolved mental clarity. (photo by http://ascension-temple.com/what-is-ascension.html) Global United Foundation government symbol The circles represent each major land mass nation. The equality sign in the middle support the foundations view and promises of balance, with the center arrows pointing toward the nations. (photo by http://bullmoose1912.deviantart.com/art/Egalitarianism-Symbol-31758245) Family symbol The hands represent all the different stages of growth of the translucero. The different colors representing the different color skin pigments and the center heart shows community and love for each other. (photo by http://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/symbol-of-a-happy-family-vector-6) Religious symbol Although the transluceros do not formally have a religion per say, it is often that some may create alters of self-empowerment at home. This symbol is often noted to be one that represents the balance ( representing the single bar at the bottom of the triangle) between mind, physical body, and immaterial substance/spirit (as noted by the three equal sides of the triangle). The black and white colors denote the two opposing energies of high and low or evolved and unevolved. (photo by http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ascension+symbols&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=ascension+symbols&sc=1-15&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=1B4CD39DAB1D7540836536F4B3E2E413D9961ADC&selectedIndex=444)